Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We've arrived!

It's been a couple of weeks now since we've been settling in here in Azogues, the town of 30,000, just north of Cuenca in Southern Ecuador.  Hans and Annalise are in their Mon-Fri school routine, including daily homework.  Today was the first day of Hans' soccer program, Annalise starts next week. 

Patricia's sister-in-law's (Jenny Cosgrove) family here has been incredibly loving and helpful.  We've been staying with Jenny's mom since we arrived, while wandering around the valley looking for a place of our own.  We have frequent dinners with various relatives throughout the valley, consult cousins on homework assignments, and get lots of advice on things such as which panaderias have the best bread and who's the best barber in town.

Patricia and I have met with Dr. Rodas from Cuenca who runs a mobile surgical project in the area.  We hope to do weekly work days, occasional multi-day trips with his group, beginning in the next couple of weeks.

Jenny's brother, Marco, is an avid runner, so I have been trying to get back into shape to run a 10 km road/trail race with him this coming weekend.  So far, I'm finding that running hills at 10,000ft. is fairly slow going though.