During Christmas and New Years, we spent several days in the Andes
between Quito
in the north and Cuenca/Azogues in the south.
Both cities have preserved many of their 16th Century buildings
and many of the streets are narrow, cobble-stoned routes through the city.
One of the most important events of the year in Cuenca is the
procession of a statue of baby Jesus through the city on Christmas Eve day. 30,000 people participate in the parade that winds through the city during a 6 hour period.
People, big and small, dress in a variety of costumes for the event.
There is always an assortment of street vendor fare. BBQ-ed chicken feet are a special treat!
Back in Azogues we had a holiday feast, featuring a dainty pork dish for 30!...8 Pessl-Wimberlys and almost every living member of the Jenny Cosgrove family in Ecuador, only a few of whom are pictured below. John, Liese, Finn and Mom are now honorary members of that wonderful clan.
While in the northern Andes near Quito, we took a quick trip to Otavalo, a beautiful town near a mountain lake that is surrounded by huge smoking volcanoes.
On a walk to the Condor Center, outside of Otavalo.
The cherished, though slightly ugly, Andean Condor.
And finally, a pass through Quito for New Years Eve
Dinner out later that night...
...tuckered out the following day.
A highlight of our time in Quito was visiting Patricia's first grade teacher who taught at her elementary school in Walnut Creek, California, just a few years back!