Monday, February 13, 2012

Las Islas Galapagos

Over the Christmas/New Years holidays, Grandma Annie joined us, along with Liese, John, and Finn to tour the Galapagos Islands.

The Galapagos are in a beautiful South Pacific setting, but in addition, there are animals all around you.  These animals are ones that most of us have only seen in a zoo, but in the Galapagos, they’re wandering around in their native environment.  It reminds me of an equatorial Yellowstone Park, but with a few more numbers and variety of animals. 

The Islanders and Park officials have been careful to make sure that no one feeds the animals, so they’re not camp robbers or garbage hounds, they’re just living their normal life while we watch.  And since humans have not hunted there for many decades, the animals are not afraid of you, which is one of the reasons you can get so close to them. 

Snorkeling with Whitetip sharks.  Our boat captain corralled the critters while I was the sitting duck in their way with the camera!

It was so special to take a trip with Grandma Annie.  It’s not often anymore that we get to do an adventure trip together with 3 generations of the family.

Yup, that's a tortoise turd!